Blatant truth is that it is yet to come in the developing countries like India.

The application of Machine learning has enhanced our way of life through its virtue of image recognition, scanning of data, GPS routes and even online search engine.  And one cannot really deny its wide range of utility  blanketing the realms of healthcare and medicine drastically since its discovery.  According to Global Reports, advancement in Electrical Healthcare records based on AI has grown  from 40 % in 2012 to 67% in 2017. This is the clear indication to the fact that AI in healthcare and medicine has its huge perks starting from early detection of chronic diseases to Chatbots advising clients and even doctors on proper medication and recognising important database.

The advancement of Machine Learning in healthcare had reached its zenith , as deemed by all the women across the world when the Israeli invention of the Livia Device asserted  the perfect way out to reduce menstrual pain or better known as period cramps among women. Menstrual pain is that bedevil that can plague our daily life-cycle yet receives the lowest attention and taken in the least serious way. And therefore, one of the most overwhelming fact of this innovation is its discovery caused by an Israeli father-son duo which justifies the fact that our world is emerging not only as a  technical inventory but has also  simultaneously spread its wings in Socially-adherent  spheres.

According to its inventors, CEO Chen Nachum and his father, Dr. Zvi Nachum, the Livia device provides instant relief from cramps, and lasts up to 15 hours on a single charge, long after anti-pain pills have worn off. The device implements physiotherapy tech to block pain receptors through electrical pulses, based on the famous "Gate Control theory". Livia transmits a pulse that keeps the nerves “busy,” so that pain messages that should be accepted by nerve receptors and transmitted to the brain — which concludes if a woman is in pain are lost. Its small iPod Nano-sized square box is  clipped onto a belt or leaves in the patient's  pocket. Attached to the device are gel pads and two electrodes, which the woman places on areas where she feels the most pain. Once the pain occurs, the user switches on the Livia Device putting an end to the monstrous cramps.

According to Research, 50% of women tend to take a high number of pain-killers to get relieved from tedious period cramps which has severe side-effects on their body.  Hence, the drug-free pain-relieving method of this Israeli Livia Device is truly ground-breaking and has proven very much effective in several clinical research. One of its best features is that it can be used in workplaces, at home, at school and anywhere in public without any hustle or absurdity.

Top magazines like Cosmopolitan and Glamour have acclaimed the noteworthy advantages of Livia titling it as an off-switch to period cramps. Women around the world after its usage have asserted that with Livia, they can now have a comfortable menstrual period.

Livia has funded at 548% on its IndieGogo campaign. The original request was for $50,000 — and the campaign still has a month to go. Hence it can be easily concluded that it received a phenomenal  success globally and has created a landmark in the history of medical  inventions implementing Artificial Intelligence. But the blatant truth is that it is yet to come in the developing countries like India. However, it is said that it will be available in India once it officially launches around the globe. Keeping in mind the huge population and downright Sex Ratio, the advent  of Livia Device in India is one of the most important aspects that she needs to fulfill.

Content Credits:- Rusha Bhattacharya