As per Global Reports, at the banks of Narmada River lies 390 metric tonnes of hazardous chemical waste still waiting for the judgement of Supreme Court to be removed since 5 decades. Therefore, to take a step towards environmental prosperity, the UN with the ratification of its permanent members in 1974 have given the shape to the flagship of spreading awareness about environmental concerns and its solutions. Its aftermath being World's Environment Day celebrated on 5th of June every year have led to a lot of improvements dealing with ecology.
The accomplishments of WED is enormous in the sense that every year it acquires a new theme towards environmental well-being. The theme for 2018 is "Beat Plastic Pollution". The host nation is India.[2] The theme for the World Environment Day 2018, "Beat Plastic Pollution". By choosing this Theme, it is aimed that people may strive to changes in their everyday lives to reduce the heavy burden of plastic pollution. People should be free from the over-reliace on single-use or disposables, as they have severe environmental consequences. We should liberate our natural places, our wildlife - and our own health from plastics.
However, despite huge steps taken towards environmental upliftment, a lot needs to be done for its advancement and saving it from the shackles of industrial and capitalist mindset of non-sustainable development.